1978 - 1988 >>>> |
1988 and later>>>> |
In 1983 Rins Boschma (1962), Gertjan Slagter (1961), Tilly Buij (1957) and Gerard Groenewoud (1958) decide, driven by like-minded motives, to exhibit their work together under the name De Vier Evangelisten (The Four Evangelists). In a short time this cooperation led to a number of largescale installations where a ‘gesamtkunstwerk’ is made without the distinction of individual contributions. By conceiving the whole exhibition space as an artwork they try to create a new world view where the search for a deeper sense of art predominates. Initially they work mainly in the alternative circuit of artists spaces. In a few weeks a short-lived ‘aesthetic experience’ is created from waste-products, which indeed vanishes in the disposal container afterwards. Later pieces were made for various musea and in commission, of which some remain permanent. Rins Boschma was involved in De Vier Evangelisten till 1990. More information about De Vier Evangelisten at the website: http://www.groenewoudbuij.nl/4E.htm